Sparkbox is a mobile app that turns the interesting stuff you find, collect, and think
into fascinating shareables.
Revolutionize your phone!
Grab and use photos, videos and rich content - faster than ever before
Keep life's bits and pieces super-organized
Channel your Inner Storyteller
Manage what you share - in one place
Unleash the power of your imagination
Sparkbox is the easiest fastest way to craft engaging stories, informative docs, and
meaningful messages.
Yes, free in two ways - free of ads, and free to use - forever!
We're still connecting the garples to the milliblips, but things are going well.
You really should sign up to our News and Promos mail list.
As an Early Bird, we'll be keeping you posted. The second we launch, you'll get a free
Unlimited Premium Sparkbox account.
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No hidden fees, no credit cards, no spam. We promise.