Sparkbox for mobile is a personal content organizer -and a whole lot more. We'll help you turn the interesting things you collect into fascinating shareables.ans-1
Revolutionize your phone!
  • Grab and use photos, videos and rich content - faster than ever before
  • Keep life's bits and pieces super-organized
  • Channel your Inner Storyteller
  • Manage what you share - in one place
  • Unleash the power of your imagination
Sparkbox is the easiest fastest way to build and share meaningful messages, informative docs, and engaging stories. ans-3
Yes, free in two ways - free of ads, and free to use - forever! ans-4
We're still connecting the garples to the milliblips, but things are going well. ans-5
You really should sign up to our News and Promos mail list. As an Early Bird, we will send a free Unlimited Premium account your way the second we launch! ans-6
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We promise.
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